Extracurricular Service

Graduate Student Research Seminar (GSRS)

Fall 2021-Present

The Graduate Student Research Seminar (GSRS) is a weekly seminar for graduate students to present ongoing works to other graduate students. Alongside one other student, I help organize this seminar series each quarter.


Winter 2020-Present

Preparing to apply to graduate school can be an opque process to undergruate students. ECONnected was established to help facilitate conversations between undergrad and graduate economics students to help eliminate knowledge gaps.

I helped establish this organization and keep it running on campus.

Federal Reserve Challenge

Fall 2022

The National College Fed Challenge is a collegiate competition where students have to simulate a FOMC meeeting; display knowledge of the current state of the economy and make a monetary policy recommendation. I thoroughly enjoyed participating in this competition during my undergrad and am happy to support UCSD’s team in an advisor role.

Southern California Graduate Conference in Applied Economics (SOCAE)

Fall 2022

UCSD hosted the fifth annual meeting of the Southern California Graduate Conference in Applied Economics in 2022. This event is run entirely by graduate students and has grdaute studetns present unpublished works. I was very happy to be part of a team that helped organize this event.


2020-2021 Academic Year

UCSD economics has a simple mentorship program for incoming students whereby they are matched to upperclassmen. This organization was run by other graduate students but I’m proud to have particpated in the 2021-22 academic year as a mentor.